Tuesday, July 31, 2012





Monday, July 30, 2012

My Story Pt 4


    Where was I? Oh yes, I came out of hospital......I'm going to backtrack a bit here.

    What truly, honestly, put me in the hospital  (big deep breath, it hard to 'write this out loud') was my attempt at suicide.  I mentioned previously my letters to my husband, daughter, and son. I'm still going to gloss over that because to this day it's something I cannot talk about without breaking down completely.

    My husband woke one morning to go to work and found me lying in the living room floor. He tells at first he thought maybe I had gotten drunk, and that was where I had passed out. He went to help to bed, or the couch.....that's when he noticed the empty bottles of pills. THAT'S WHEN HE FREAKED OUT!!!  I had taken an entire script of Xanax, Seraquel, Tegratol, and Lexapro (all the meds I was on at the time) I'm thinking back on this now as I write, and realizing maybe there method to my madness, so to speak....ya know?

    I was having a VERY hard time dealing with being diagnosed as Bipolar, being on all these medication, and, I remember I hated hearing that fucking alarm go off everyday reminding it was time to another fucking pill. (Takes all the fun outta taking them to get high! :p, thank the LORD for marijuana!)

    I don't remember any of this, I only know what my wonderful husband tells. He tells after his initial freak out, he got me up and walked me around to rouse me abit and when he mentioned calling 911 I went ape shit on him. So....he called into work and took a week off to stay home and take care of me, and the kids, and keep my little secret from my parents and the rest of my family and our friends.

   There are bits and pieces I remember. I remember having to pee and when he helped to the bathroom I couldn't control my body. My entire body was in some type of convulsions. We made it to the bathroom and I made it onto the toilet and my husband still had to stand there and hold me on the toilet because of the convulsions, they were so bad I broke the toilet seat. I looked over and my baby son was standing at the bathroom door watching, I broke down.

    Skip ahead to the end of the week and I come out of the fog....I see triple everything, no more convulsions, but triple everything, and every time my eyes move to look at something else I get seriously dizzy and vomit, this goes on for 3 more days.  2 weeks later I'm in the nuthouse.

    It's absolutely embarrassing to write this and know that people out there might read it, but....it's also why I started this blog. This shit eats at me everyday, the things I've done, the embarrassment I feel, the humility. So maybe once I hit that publish button I'll some relief also. I hope so because theres more to my story. To me I've gotten the to worst memories out there, which are this one, and the nuthouse, but there's plenty of crazy left! TRUE STORY



Sunday, July 29, 2012


Ok, so yeah, I'm alot buzzed, but still...... BITCHES WILL BITCHES AND DICKS WILL DICKS.  Still, I ask you, is me callin' my daddy last night and breaking down and crying ( please keep in mind that I haven't seen him in almost 2 years and he lives 1,000 or more miles away) having a "pity party" for myself? I DON'T FUCKING THINK SO!!!!

  Anyways, it finally rained today!!! My brats and I were out there dancing in the rain for as long as it lasted  ( not sure how long that was)  That has to be the most fun we've had together as a family in month's, a FUCKING BLAST!!!! ;0)!!!

    We didn't take a vacation this year, but what vacation can beat something like that, am I right? To me @ least, it was the best feeling I've felt in forever, and it was pure fun. No irritation, no hustling from here to there, no early wake ups. Just us, the rain, laughter, puddles and pure FUN. THE BEST "VACATION" you can have. Spur of the moment.  Also, it set the mood for almost the rest of the day, which is always cool in my book! The only thing missing was a couple of songs it brougt to mind, which were....

  I think the playlist pretty much says it all, but I got more to say. My day started out shit, bitches being bitches, pissin' me off like no other human's can. But here comes the rain, a 'lil dancin' with my brats, and all the other human bullshit goes away. I LOVE THAT!!! No matter what I can usually count on the brats to give me the smallest thing to make all the grown up bullshit fade to the background. I can't think of one single person in my life, other my two" horrible" brats  (;0)  who can make that happen, and for that gift that they are a able to give me on a daily basis, I THANK MY LORD (yes despite my many faults, I believe in THE AlMIGHTY)

  Anyways, it was an amazing day  for me, in a world of  trials and tribulations for other people, and I felt like I needed to share. Take from it what you can, but whatever it may be, I HOPE IT BRINGS YOU PEACE, JOY AND HAPPINESS. <3 TO ALL ;0)


Saturday, July 28, 2012


  "DISTANCE MAKES THE HEART THE GROW FONDER", I wonder if that was meant to apply to my 10  and 8 year old? Well, it does!!! I cannot wait for them to go back to school. Don't get me wrong, I love my brats, but they really interfere with my day, being home all the time
  I want my quasi-routine back!!! Here's a little rundown for ya:

    1:  Off work @ 7a.m.
    2:  Arrive between 7:03 and 7:10
    3:  Ride the brats asses until they are finally ready for school ( just seconds before the bus is here to pick them up!)
    4:  A) Go to bed and sleep all day
         B) Get on Facebook
         C) Bake it up and see where the day goes from there.....
         D) Pop the top on a cold one and see where the day goes from there...

  Now, to y'all that probably sounds like bullshit, chaos, dysfunction...To me it comfort and familiarity and I WANT IT BACK!!!!!  Is it : SELFISH?  Yes  RESPONSIBLE?  Fuck No  It is, however, my comfortable routine. It's what I do Monday- Friday for 9 months outta of the year and I WANT IT FUCKING BACK!!!!



Friday, July 27, 2012

Things Flying Outta My Head

I was @ work last night ( I work the 3rd shift) and had an excellent idea of where I was going with what I've been telling whoever may have been reading this so far......I come home this morning after getting off and the damn idea has completely flown outta my head. That never used to happen to me, I do now, and always will from here on out blame it on all the stupid ass meds I am told I must take everyday to maintain some sort of normality to live in society and, more importantly, with my family, rather than in an institution. Well shit, suck it up, right? IT IS WHAT THE FUCK IT IS!!!   I am so glad to have discovered  'The Klonopin Chronicles' the chick rocks!!! Even on her bad days, she makes me feel better, wish I had that light in me. Wish in one hand.......Today has a bad feeling to it, anyone else? Any suggestions on how to turn it around? Come on man.....help a bitch out!!! To much shit flying out of  my head today, maybe I should just lock myself in my room and ignore the outside, yeah that sounds like THE plan for THIS day.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Story pt 3

So....Okay, I'm now labeled.....I'm "BIPOLAR"  What the fuck am I supposed to do with this? It's all I can think, it's all that goes through my head. The way it's been explained to me, I now realize this is what other's were struggling through in my family. I heard the judgement and ridicule that went on behind their backs, ya know, what everyone was "REALLY!!" thinking about them. THEY WERE FUCKING CRAZY! Plain and simple, and I just knew that's what everyone was saying about me, too.  Only now there was no fighting them now, it was true, and you can't fight the truth.  Then everything blurrs again.....meth, meth, meth, alcohol, pills, alcohol, meth, weed, meth, alcohol, pills, meth, meth, pills, pills......etc., I think you get the picture I'm painting.......BANG!!! NUTHOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!   HERE I AM SMACK DAB IN ONE!!!! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!??? I WAS JUST ON THE OUTSIDE!?!?  I couldn't believe I was in this place. I couldn't focus on all the "get better" bullshit the proverbial "THEY" were shoving down my throat. There were people on the outside who knew me and those people now knew I was officially nutty, so nutty in fact that I was in the house of nuts.....oh my LORD, how in the hell was I ever gonna face any of them again. I spent that mother's day in the hospital. My mother and stepfather ( a wonderful guy) brought my husband and kids to see me. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Facing my kids when they were buzzed in, watching their little faces take in all the other fucking nuts.....to this day I still can feel the humiliation I thought I was feeling @ that moment.  Ruined me for any and all mother's days from there on out, sad I know, but don't cry for me! LOL.  I spent 14 days in the hospital, which isn't much  for most, but for me ( and this is my story and only my story please remember that) it was an eternity. When I was finally released, I had learned nothing about myself or the disease, I came out only with an even more exaggerated feeling of shame and embarrassment, and on some serious medications!! This is all I have time for tonite, I must now go to work. If  I've captured your curiosity, stay tuned, I'll get it all out, but like me, it's a work in progress.   Later.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Story pt 2

This was all in 2003, the year is a blurr, lots of drugs, alcohol, and medications consumed. Where '03 ended and '04 began I don't know. 2004 is literally nonexistent in my brain @ this time.......20005, now that's a different drink altogether! BOTTOMS UP! :0) Somewhere in there though was one helluva kick ass New Years Eve Party, that must be said. 2005 was a banner year for the family though. The beginning is a blurr, but one event sticks out in my mind. That event is my pissing myself. Yes, PISSING MYSELF! Let me go back a few days. I'll begin with what I can piece together so many years later. At some point in the night I go home and throw a drink in my husbands face. I don't remember that, but sure as hell does! And, lemme just say, I don't fucking blame him!!!! Would you!?   The next thing I remember it's a week later and my husband   is handing me these "letters" that I wrote. They are mostly incoherent but the jest of them is......GOODBYE......they are suicide letters to my husband, daughter, son. THIS IS MY ROCK BOTTOM........Stay Tuned, More to Come


My Story pt. 1

Okay, so here I go getting shit outta my head. I was 23 when I got married. 3 months later I went totally fucking nuts and ran off with my husbands nephew, which, up to this point, was COMPLETELY out of character for me. As the next year came and went I had my 2nd child, and did things out of the norm for me with increasing regularity and they became increasingly wild and.....FRANTIC...., for lack of a better word. One day my husband came home and found me curled up in a ball, in the bathtub, with the shower spewing out ice cold water on me, as I chanted incoherently to myself. Well...let me tell you, this seemed a bit odd to us, maybe I needed to get some help, we said, ASAP! So off to the hospital we went. (Now, I should let you know that since this event I have found that manic depression runs rampant in both sides of my family) The Dr.'s immediately wanted to admit me to the dreaded 3rd floor (the nut ward) I would have none of that!!! I broke down, begging and pleading, screaming and yelling. Threatening to run out of the E.R.  Eventually after about 4 hours, I was able to talk the Dr. into letting go home by promising to go to our local nut spot and seek help (he pulled strings and got me an appt. the very next day) and both my husband and I promising I would not be left alone with my children until we knew what was going on. If not for the kids, and having a Dr. tell me he didn't think it was safe for them to be left alone with me I would never have sought help, but he did, and I did. I drug myself outta bed the next day (we had taken the brats to my aunts by this point) and made it to the appt. After two more appts. They told me the thing I never wanted to hear.....YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY BITCH!!!!!!! They said it in nicer words, and oh-so-soothing tones in their voices, but all I heard was.....YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY BITCH!!!!!  For the umpteenth time in the same fucking week, here I was, breaking down again. Damn, maybe they were right, because this is most definitely not how I normally act!!!! It was official:  BIPOLAR
Okay.....So .....Starting a blog is something I've wanted to do for awhile now. I have so much running through my head I need to get out. I've tried keeping a journal but it just doesn't cut it, sometimes I need a lil feedback and maybe after awhile, if I get the hang of this, I'll get some followers and start getting some, sometimes other ppls b.s. can be the best way to get some perspective on your own! For anyone who reads this, plz gimme sometime, as I'm sure you can see, this is my 1st time (blushing) lol, and this stuff sometimes takes me awhile to figure out.