Wednesday, August 8, 2012


   I just love it when I hit the power button on the radio,and the music is just kick ass, song after song. It just fits my mood to a "T". I sure y'all know what I'm talking about. There's nothing better. The only bad thing about a day like that is having to turn the radio off.

  Of course there are media's like "SPOTIFY" where you can create your own radio stations and star the songs the like and then go back later and make your own play list. HOW FLIPPIN' AWESOME IS THAT.
This really all I have to say on this subject, it's just a good feeling that I had to share it with anyone who might read this.



Tuesday, August 7, 2012


  I wish people just had the balls to say what they're gonna say to you, to you!!! Instead they make snarky comments hoping you'll get the point that it's intended for you, but wonder just enough not to confront them. NO BALLS I TELL YA NO BALLS!!! 9.5 times out of 10 if I got something to say to you that just what I'm going to do. What's the point of saying  anything at all unless you're going to say what you mean to whom it's intended for? Aw well, people, what are ya gonna do?

  I am getting tired of it though, especially when it almost always comes from what is supposed to be the people that are closest to you. If I confront them they just blow me off, I'm just on another one of my "Bipolar Sprees" as they've become known (behind my back). Yes, I am Bipolar, I also have normal, real emotion. I'm tired being treated like shit all the time and never having my feelings taken seriously just because of the Bipolar. My mental illness IS NOT an excuse all. FUCKING LEARN THAT!!!!!

  I need a new group (with 2 or 3 exceptions) of friends, and new family members ( and some of them I never in my life thought I would want to replace!) I makes me very sad to have come to this realization. I've stepped back from the situation and looked at from all sides and yes I am a part of the problem at times, but mostly, it's them.

  To want to lose family is a very hard emotion to deal with, so I am not dealing with it. I am going to drink and medicate it away.....and smoke it away, which is really just to say self medicate it away, but hey, whatever works right. Sorry for the flippant attitude folks, but it's the best I can do today.